Well it's over :( the read-a-thon has finished after 7 days and it flew by, it really did. This was my 1st read-a-thon and i loved it. This is the
link for my goals and also on that is an overview of everyday during the week. Each day i did a full update and posted them as individual blog posts (apart from 1 post when i did 2 days in one as i got behind due to ill health).
So my goal was to read 4 books and these were;
*The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
*The Good Father
*Saving June
*Putting Alice Back Together.
The 1st book was mine to read and the other 3 were review books i needed to finish and review via netgalley.
Yep, i managed to read all 4 this week (1028 pages). It was a challenge!! There was no way i could read more than this, i have too much going off in 'life' to read more. If i didn't i think i could challenge myself to 8. All the books i read were just amazing and i just loved each one. I am yet to do review posts on each book BUT i will do it.......i have sticky notes and scribbles of notes all over the room so that i have my thoughts there and can put them together into the review, so watch out :) I am soooo happy about accomplishing this and so proud of myself :)
BOUTOFBOOKS CHALLENGES- There were some fantastic challenges, ones that made you really think but were interesting and fun!! I only entered a few at the start of the week and then unfortunately i was too busy to complete the ones later on. I was really disappointed because they seemed such great challenges to do.. This is a target goal for my next read-a-thon, to do all the challenges if they are international.
TWITTER- I did go on twitter quite a bit and learnt about tweetdeck (which i have now lol) and learnt some new tips with it lol (i'm a novice). I chatted to some lovely people on there- especially
Ellie and
Jen who always posted to me on my blog and chatted on twitter and backed me up ;) (Ellie lol). Anyways, the twitter chats-i managed to say hi and a couple of posts in 1 that was at 2am our time...i was too tired to continue though. Then unfortunately i couldn't make the other 2, i planned to attend Sundays, however, i was reading that final book and couldn't stop.
Again, a target for next time is to participate in at least 1 twitter chat and to tweet a little bit more than i did. I did good for a novice though lol.
Blogs- I read some blog posts, comments on a few but added loads to my favourites tab and also joined them on google reader (this is all new to me-normally i just use my favourites tab lol) I just didn't have time to do all i wanted with reading blogs, commenting etc. However, i have time now and i will do this and check out the blogs and do some commenting. I just feel a bit guilty that i didn't get the chance to read people's updates as they were going- it was only what ppl said on twitter that i knew some people's progress. My own blog i have explained. I definitely want to improve my blog, to re-arrange it and do some regular fun posts etc, but for now, i have all the reviews to do.
Overall, i can't believe how much i feel i have got from this read-a-thon and thank you so much to the women who hosted it, who took their time to put it together, to twitter etc and cause themselves mental and physical exhaustion- not forgetting they were also reading books and have 'life' commitments etc. I will be participating in the next 1 which i believe is in August (bout of books 5.0). I am so excited!! I am not sure my goals in view of books but from reflecting on this week, i have some non-book goals *happy smile* , it will be the summer holidays from school so i have my kids home so i don't think i will go for 4 books.
********Well done everyone, thanks for making my feel welcome and thanks for the support and encouragement.**************
I hope this wrap-up is enough x